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WW2 Japanese Arisaka Type 99 7.7 Sniper rifle
Just come out of a large collection, this very rare Imperial Japanese WW2 Type 99 Sniper rifle, we understand this was Imported into the UK from the USA.
Most Arisaka's in the USA theses days were imported into the US as bring back from Japan after WW2 had ended by US service personel.
This rifle has a very low serial number at 2192 which dated the manufacture this rifle to late 1941.
This Arisaka Type 99 7.7 cal Sniper rifle has a scope serial numbers 7646 and the factory stamp (kana) is from the first batch to late 1940. This Arisaka Sniper rifle also still has its original scope case and ammo case which is very rare.
By doctrine, snipers of the imperial military were selected by their skill in marksmanship. The caliber of the rifle assigned to a sniper corresponded with the ammunition of the company he served under.
Production began in May 1942. Total number made is approximately 10,000.
This Arisaka Type 99 Sniper rifle has British BMP Proof stamp on the barrel 7.7x58 and on the receiver is stamped BMP.

Lovely condition and a great shooting rifle

The Emperor chrysanthemum as been removed by the Japanese after the rifle was captured, under American supervision at the end of the war the Japanese removed the chrysanthemum.
The Japanese lettering is 'type 99' in Japanese

The top view of the scope mounted to the rifle

The round stamped circle in the center is a factory stamp for Nagoya Arsenal,
which was on the south coast of Honshu, Japan's main island.

The rear sight of this Arisaka has the early 'Anti Aircraft sights', soon after the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor these 'Anti Aircraft sight' were dropped from manufacturing process to save machining time.

The Japanese factory stamp (called kana ) before the serial number is a serial mark for (in this case) first production run. The serial number is 7646 of the first production run of 999,000 in the first block number range, in other words a very early production scope.

In the left hand slot is the number 95

Original scope caseon the top of the lid is a factory stamp

The ammunition case looks like it is made of rubber, there are no factory or makers stamps on it.

A good view of the whole rifle

A view from the left hand side with all its equipment

The scope has very good optic and are clear and clean, it is very easy to read the range distance of this scope. The scope is a 2.5 power type.
The rifle has a very good bore and we have shoot this out to 300 meters on iron sights with good grouping.
This Arisaka Type 99 Sniper rifle would enhance any collection.
Standard Arisaka Type 99 service rifle are rare rifles anyway, but this Type 99 Sniper rifle is very rare.


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